Government Administration in Uganda is premised on the policy of
Decentralization through devolution which seeks to bring social services such
as health, education, roads and water closer to the people. This is the very essence for the creation of
districts which Uganda Local Governments Association’s (ULGA’s) considered
opinion can only function if the appropriate parameters and adequate resources
for the new districts are availed. This
is mainly because creating more districts results in an increase in
administrative costs amongst the many other requiments that come with the
Association remains concerned that in the wake of things, most of the districts
that started operating in July 2010 such as Agago and Ntoroko are still faced
with inadequate staffing and management capacity with as low as only 7% of the
approved structures. More so, some new
districts have no headquarters, others have departments with no offices, no
electricity nor the necessary tools and equipment to fully function as service
delivery centres.
analysis by ULGA on the progression of the division of the national cake
overtime shows that funding to the local government sector has continued on a
downward trend from 25% in the 2005/06 financial year to 17.6% in the 2011/12
financial year. The human resource
levels have remained at 55% with some new districts having only 10% staffing,
five years after government approved filing of the structures up to 65%. This si compounded by the low levels of local
revenue generated. The new taxes; local
service tax and local hotels tax have failed to yield significant revenue
leaving Local Governments to depend on Central Government transfers for their
financing by up to 97% in some cases.
This has continued to limit their autonomy and discretionary powers,
which are necessary ingredients of devolved power and responsibility.
the status quo, ULGA therefore calls on Central Government to seriously
consider the recommendations of the on-going holistic review of Local
Government financing, once finalized by the Local Government Finance Commission
(LGFC) before the rush for more districts is embraced.
also call upon the Parliamentary Committee on Local Government and Public
Service to critically review the proposal for creation of new districts and
make realistic recommendations to the August House as they will determine the
future trend of service delivery to our communities.
Peter W’oceng
Rose Gamwera
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