P. O. Box 2678,
Email(s): wkituuka@gmail.com
20th April 2013
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you given the insecurity problem I find myself in which has called for those in authority constantly interfering with my communication which is not only crucial but critical as I get to address the ills in the Uganda society which our leaders ought to address. My name is William Kituuka Kiwanuka, a citizen of Uganda. http://www.hecarethforyou.blogspot.com/2013/04/william-kituuka-biography.html
I have much concerning my works in form of links in this communication which can be clicked on for detail. I am an innovative and creative personality as can be seen from my works. Specifically, the idea I have is that an organization/institution can help bail me out through an invitation and on reviewing my works, I am hopeful that I can have some contribution to the organization as I seek for asylum.
Description of my Problem
I happen to get phone calls of scam business proposals from people who allege to know me, when I don’t know them; however, in all cases, I have not agreed to meet any. I have learnt from a number of people who have tried to ring me but their calls failing to get connected and some end up assuming that I changed my number or that my phone is switched off! Yet, I don’t switch off my phones. I have for a number of years sent out project proposals under my Good Governance Organization, unfortunately, the content of my emails mostly the attachments get interfered with or deleted and are either not received or get distorted so that the objective is failed. As I write now, I am not sure of how many short messages I sent out by phone which did not arrive, yet I am unable to save a single phone number to my sim cards as the function has been disabled! I am unable to use an external modem for Internet connection as the connection has equally been disabled as long as I place in my sim card into the modem! I once in a while get people who I don’t know wishing to give me lifts while I am on foot, and I have disappointed them because I am suspicious that they could have ill motive against me. I am an opposition politician in Uganda, and many times a critic of Government policies, which some audience to-date listen to, and now Government seems to have intensified on seeing my communication disabled! In the circumstances, life has become simply frustrating. During the gone Easter period, one of my emails: goodgovernancepractice@gmail.com was deleted and two blogs; that is:
To me, this was terrible loss as I had worked on them for about a year.
What I have done in the circumstances:
I made a communication to the Ministers who are concerned with communication in Uganda – the link: http://www.hecarethforyou.blogspot.com/2013/04/attention-of-minister-of-state-for.html
I have also petitioned the Speaker of Uganda Parliament – the link is: http://www.hecarethforyou.blogspot.com/2013/04/a-petition-to-speaker-of-uganda.html
The blog below gives an idea of some of my works: http://www.hecarethforyou.blogspot.com
My works are divided into 4 major categories. They are:
1) My former school connections:
2) Project proposal ideas:
3) Issues on Good Governance for authorities to consider:
4) General information, say policy for local and international community:
In the circumstances, I appeal to you to help bail me out of Uganda by offering me safe landing which will be ground for some other step to follow.
Thank you.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka
Name: William Kituuka Kiwanuka
Sex: Male
Age: 53 years
Date of birth: 12th October 1959
District of birth: Wakiso
Postal Address: P.O. Box 2678, Kampala, UGANDA
Tel: +256714981628/ +256776981628
E-mail: wkituuka@gmail.com, wkiwanuka@care2.com
Nationality: Ugandan
No. of Children: Four (4)
St Mary's College, Kisubi 1974 - 1977 E.A.C.E
St Mary's College, Kisubi 1978 - 1979 E.A.A.C.E Makerere University 1980/81 - 1982/83 B.A (Hons) Economics/
Rural Economy
I am hard working, well organized and I communicate well. I am an enthusiastic team member and co-operative.
1) Consultancy Work ……………………………………. ….……………2001 to date.
2) Journalist and Publisher ……………………………..………………1992 – 2001.
3) Proprietor Kajjansi College………. February 1988 – December 1991.
4) Uganda Commercial Bank (Stanbic) …..August 1984 – February 1988.
5) Namutamba S.S.S ………………………….……..January 1984 – July 1984
I’ve so far been involved in Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Work in a number of fields, which include but not limited to:
1) I have worked on the organization and operationalisation of Good Governance Practice (GOGOP) which is registered as a Civil Society Organization by Wakiso District. Among proposals written for donor funding include:
I. Good Governance School Clubs (GOGOC) which the Government of Uganda has taken over and is to implement it as Patriotism School Clubs.
II. Induction of Local Government Councils; meant to impart skills to newly elected councilors.
III. Training Entrepreneurs for poverty Alleviation
IV. Demystifying Human Rights
V. Demystifying Computer Skills
VI. Africa Good Governance Training
VII. Kajjansi Communication & Secretarial Centre
VIII. Care Hands Outreach Program for people living with HIV/AIDS and the vulnerable.
2) I responded to Development Marketplace 2008 of the World Bank with a proposal in the name: Enhancing Productivity and Market for Small Farmers in Ssisa Sub-County.”
3) I worked on a periodic Electronic Magazine for the Old Boys of St. Mary’s College Kisubi in the name of: The Morning Star. The idea is my baby and I am Editor.
4) I worked on Electronic Marketing ahead of the Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Uganda in November 2007. I was able to publicize Uganda through the use of Computer Power Point slides and made the following which have greatly been circulated locally and internationally via E-mail:
1. A Pictorial Presentation of CHOGM 2007 Re-discovers Uganda, Part (one and two) which expose the various potentialities of Uganda which can be the basis for development and a potential for exploitation.
2. CHOGM 2007 Re-discovers Uganda Calendar (Electronic).
5) I have used Computer Power Point Programme to market All Saints Primary School at Lweza (Entebbe Highway). I was able to get a number of photo impressions and put them as slides showing various activities at the school. With this, we have been able to send out letters to impress on potential partners in development with the school.
6) I write project proposals for clients. I worked on two of them for the Widow’s Ministry – (Seguku Worship Center – Yesu Akwagala), these are:
I. A restaurant
II. A poultry project
7) I improved on my work on “The History of St. Mary’s College Kisubi” given that there had been aspects left out in what I had at hand by the time of the Centenary Celebrations in 2006.
8) I make professional contributions to debates of the day. Recently, I wrote to UNEB about what I see as the way forward regarding mal-practices in examinations among other issues.
9) I contested in the World Bank Development Marketplace (DM 2007) whose objective was: “To recognize and support innovative approaches for achieving better health outcomes for poor people.” My project title is: “Promotion of use of Moringa oleifera as a Nutritional Supplement,” – a US $ 135,000 project, where I want to use school children as implementers and potential beneficiaries of Moringa oleifera as a Nutritional Supplement.
I was involved in preparations for St. Mary’s College Kisubi Centenary Celebrations from September 2005 up to the celebration time (2006). Roles performed:
Gathered information for the School website: www.smack.sc.ug and worked with the designer to incorporate links. (Though currently off )
Solely worked on the SMACK Centenary Magazine as Editor. I came up with the strategy for it, identified people to interview, went to Archives in Rubaga for information, typed the work and edited it, wrote to prospect advertisers, and handed work to typesetter. This was done from January to May 2006.
I mobilized Old Boys for the SMACK Centenary Celebrations and kept them informed of developments via email.
Worked on information collection for the Old Boy’s website: www.smackoba.or.ug. (Currently off)
Worked on the documentation and eventual registration of SMACKOBA WELFARE COMMUNITY (SMAWELCOM) a company limited by guarantee.
Developed a 174 page CD on the History of St. Mary’s College Kisubi (1906 – 2006)
Project proposal writing and project/business re-structuring for clients
1) Yesu Akwagala Vocational Institute Proposal.
I worked on a proposal of a Vocational Institute for Yesu Akwagala Seguku Worship Centre (6 miles Entebbe Road). This is for youths to acquire skills for job creation.
2) Namulanda Technical Institute.
Namulanda Technical Institute is meant to address the existing problems in technical training in Uganda. I worked on the project proposal document up to implementation. Admission is for S4 & S6 leavers in Motor Vehicle; Plumbing in Tropics; Electric Installation; Carpentry & Joinery and Bricklaying. It is located at Kabulamuliro 12 miles Entebbe Road.
3) Wakiso Secondary Schools’ Head teachers’ Association (Aggrey Zone) HIV/AIDS Initiative.
I have written a Shs 10 million HIV/AIDS proposal for secondary schools in Aggrey Zone in Wakiso District. When developed, it is supposed to help guide schools in their approach to the teaching aspects of HIV/AIDS as part of Extra Curricular Activities in these schools.
4) KAMUTE – US $ 100,000 Proposal.
Kajjansi Multi-purpose Tele Centre (KAMUTE) is a proposal meant to be used by 15 schools in Kajjansi Trading Centre hinterland so that the students/pupils doing their classes (P.7; S.4 & S.6) get 2-hour computer classes per week at the center at a minimal cost of Shs 2,000 per term. The outputs of the project being that by the time the trainees leave school they are computer literate and can use the computer skills to get employment or get information on innovations through the Internet which may help them in developing innovative ideas for own use in job creation. The facility is also meant to bring computer services to the community including the Internet, and also avail badly needed Secretarial Services by the schools in the area.
5) A Documentation of Uganda’s Medicinal Plants and what they treat.
This is a US $ 25,348 project proposal well written but yet to get funded.
Re-structuring of Bweya Children’s Home
I was requested by Mr Christopher Mukasa, the founder of Bweya Children’s Home – at Kajjansi Trading center to help restructure the Home. I was charged with restructuring for a period of three months October – December 2004. I was able to work on the following:
1) Writing a Nutritional Project for Bweya Children’s Home to be able to utilize available land at the Home for growing own food as food is a big problem.
2) Wrote a project proposal in the name of: Designing, Launching and Publishing a website for Bweya Children’s Home. This was targeted at getting the children’s circumstances known and hence an appeal for assistance given the circumstances. This is a US $ 4,216.8 project.
3) A 5-year Strategic Plan for Bweya Children’s Home 2005 – 2009.
4) Drew Financial Management Guidelines for Bweya Children’s Home.
5) Wrote a proposal for staff salaries for Bweya Children’s Home for 2005.
6) Came up with a “Children’s Motivation Project”. This is meant to offer small financial rewards to children as incentives for better performance as is normally the case in a home setting. It is also intended to demystify money so that the children get used to it. It also targets that children should be able to buy a few items to introduce a spirit of savings among the children.
7) I have written “Bweya Children’s Home Community Outreach Project”. This is meant to use Bweya and other resources to reach out to the community in Namirembe Diocese on 4 thematic areas using video interaction.
8) I have designed various vouchers for the day to day use at the Home for accountability.
9) Worked on the Home’s Organisation Chart.
10) Written a proposal for a Clinic to see to better health of the children. This is a US $ 5,113 project.
11) Worked on a one years’ budget for the Children’s Home
12) I have written an article: “The Vulnerability of Children’s Home’s”. The article is meant to address the vulnerable situation of the Children’s Homes by Executives in Government. It is meant to impress on them the problems Children’s Homes encounter hence get to consider funding activities of the Homes for sustainability.
Consultancy Services for Mothers’ Union Namirembe Diocese
1) I was called upon by the then Chairperson of Mothers’ Union Namirembe Diocese (Mrs Margeret Kitanda) to help work on their application for DFIDU CSUP for promotion of the Rights of Women within Namirembe Diocese area of jurisdiction. (Unfortunately, some required documents were not attached at submission hence contributing to its failure).
2) I wrote a project proposal: “Mitigating the Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS of Christian Women in Namirembe Diocese through the teaching of skills via a video media”.
3) I worked on a Brochure for Mothers’ Union Namirembe Diocese.
4) Offered Consultancy Services on a variety of other fields as requested by the then Chairperson of Mothers’ Union Namirembe Diocese.
Part of the Organising Committee Secretariat for American Delegation to Uganda; February 22nd to March 1st 2004.
I was nominated by Moringa Development Association (MODA) to the Secretariat that Organised for the American Delegation to Uganda; February 22nd to March 1st 2004 which saw members of the Africa – USA International Chamber of Commerce come to Uganda for the East Africa – America Economic Partnership Trade Mission.
The theme of the visit was: “Creating a Sustainable Future for East Africa in the 21st Century”.
The delegation was in Uganda on the invitation of the Uganda Government.
My duties among other things involved:
1. Attending meetings for the Organising Committee and writing minutes.
2. Making correspondences to Government Ministries and business establishments/business men.
3. Reaching out to various service providers who were to render services during the visit of the delegation.
4. I was involved in organizing the Local Investors’ Workshop which was meant to empower the business community with skills in negotiating business partnerships.
5. I was involved in the marching of businesses with the members of the visiting American delegation given the interests of the visitors and the areas of operation of the business community.
6. I was party to the organization of a mini – exhibition at International Conference Centre and the Conference which took place on 25th February 2004.
Promotion of Moringa oleifera Enterprise
1) I was for sometime involved in the production of Reading Literature for the promotion of Moringa oleifera enterprise in Uganda, hence editor of a booklet on “Moringa oleifera” - The Miracle Tree (Compiled Notes On Moringa oleifera). This is after realizing that Ugandans are in need of literature on Moringa .o, a multi – purpose tree, nature’s medicine cabinet, with excellent source of nutrition and a natural energy booster among other things. The Book has information on Growing the tree; Moringa as a vegetable crop; Moringa in water treatment; Medicinal uses of Moringa; Moringa and HIV/AIDS. With the book at hand, one can easily manage the Moringa enterprise.
2) I wrote an innovative project proposal for African Development Bank on the occasion of Celebration of the 40th Anniversary: “Growing Moringa oleifera by Households in Uganda for Poverty Alleviation”.
3) I’ve written a Concept paper on: “Prospects of Marketing of Moringa oleifera products in Uganda.” This was for the policy makers to help address the market situation of Moringa oleifera in Uganda – June 2004.
4) A proposal: “Sponsorship of Radio Programmes to educate the public about Moringa oleifera and the role it can play in poverty alleviation. (July 2004).
Guidance Sessions and dealing in Guidance Literature
1) I lecture to students on careers related matters when called upon. On Sunday 11th August 2002 I was at Uganda Martyrs' S.S.S Namugongo for a presentation on Career Guidance to students from S. 3 to S.6 on their Careers day.
2) In June 2003 I was at Trinity College Nabingo with a presentation on their Careers day.
3) In 2004, in the course of 1st term, I was invited to St. Joseph Naggalama by the Headmistress Mrs. Agnes Nsubuga to address a joint session of S4 students, the teachers and parents on the topics:
i. Good discipline and academic excellence are hard earned.
ii. The importance of balancing performance in subjects.
4) I get literature on Career Guidance which I sell to interested schools.
Free Consultancy Services to Uganda Government
i. I wrote a paper: “Do Government Policies in Uganda Abet Poverty?” - This was for the attention of the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development – more so to review the Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) as it had no recognized role of Government Policies in poverty (that is; some policies of Government actually worsen the poverty situation). I am happy to note that after my paper, the Ministry of Finance found it necessary to review PEAP.
ii. Proposal on better management of taxes through filling the loopholes that exist in the system.
iii. Proposal to government to facilitate Ugandans to get employment outside the country.
iv. I proposed the introduction of a Central Registry Auditing centre for government Departments. As far as I am concerned, the innovation of “The Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) by the Ministry of Finance is exactly the idea I put across, now being undertaken in a computerized manner.
v. I proposed improved service delivery at Uganda Registration Services Bureau. I outlined what is being done wrongly and ways to improve.
Chairman of MUPRISPA
(i) I am founder member (2001) of Makerere University Private Students' Parents' Association (MUPRISPA) Ltd in place to cater for the welfare of Private Students at the University.
ii) Input into the Educational Loan Scheme - I have personally written “A Comprehensive Feasible and Sustainable Educational Loan Scheme in Uganda." This was written for the attention of the Ministry of Education to help with ideas as regards a workable Educational Scheme in Uganda Circumstances.
The above paper is complimented by another; "Identifying Clientele for the Educational Loan Scheme and Loan Recovery Measures."
The paper was a response to the Minister of Education and Sports' request to the public to contribute ideas on safeguards and guarantees for the loan scheme.
(1) Career Tips Magazine:
I am proprietor and Editor of Career Tips Magazine concerned with Career Guidance and Counseling. The Magazine aims at bridging the gap in career guidance and counseling in Uganda Schools as well as on advising on policy.
2. Freelance Journalist
(i) Made article contributions to a cross section of Uganda papers, including the Monitor, the New Vision and the defunct the Crusader.
(ii) The papers have also been used in submitting proposals to government. In 1996 I edited the Finance and Trade newspaper.
(iii) I had opportunity to solicit adverts and make article contributions to the Market Place and Finance and Trade papers.
(iv) I have had opportunity to interview a number of personalities for different publications.
(v) I was Editor of the Enterprise Magazine owned by Makerere University Commerce Association and also solicited adverts for it.
3). PROPRIETOR KAJJANSI COLLEGE (Feb. 1988 – Dec. 1991).
With funds from Canada, I started a Secondary School by the name Kajansi College. My strategy of having one class added per year made the venture expensive and unsustainable. I ended up giving the undertaking to the Headmistress of Kajjansi Progressive S.S.S at Lweza on Entebbe Highway to ensure continuity of the students.
1. I joined Uganda Commercial Bank as a Trainee Accountant in July 1984. I was posted to UCB Jinja Main Branch. I had training in the banking hall as well as through courses conducted by the bank. Departments handled included: Waste, Bills, Cash, Head Office, Current Accounts and Credit.
2. In 1987, I was transferred to UCB Kampala Savings Branch as a part of the task force to rectify anomalies in the bank branch books. Accounts were put right after differences in books got established. I was involved in the currency exchange exercise. At the branch my duties involved paying staff salaries and allowances handling petty purchases and holding the strong room key. In 1987, I was confirmed Branch Accountant and put in charge of the commercialization of the branch which saw the introduction of current accounts and a change to UCB Nkrumah from Kampala Savings Branch.
3. Early 1988 I resigned and went to start Kajansi College.
5). NAMUTAMBA S.S.S (JAN 1984 - JULY 1984)
After getting my degree at Makerere University, I was requested by parents of Namutamba (then in Mityana sub-district) to help them start Namutamba Senior Secondary School. I assisted them and was first Headmaster.
I was involved in teaching and making plans for the school’s future. I left to take up an appointment at Uganda Commercial Bank as Trainee Accountant.
P. O. Box 2678,
Email(s): wkituuka@gmail.com
20th April 2013
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you given the insecurity problem I find myself in which has called for those in authority constantly interfering with my communication which is not only crucial but critical as I get to address the ills in the Uganda society which our leaders ought to address. My name is William Kituuka Kiwanuka, a citizen of Uganda. http://www.hecarethforyou.blogspot.com/2013/04/william-kituuka-biography.html
I have much concerning my works in form of links in this communication which can be clicked on for detail. I am an innovative and creative personality as can be seen from my works. Specifically, the idea I have is that an organization/institution can help bail me out through an invitation and on reviewing my works, I am hopeful that I can have some contribution to the organization as I seek for asylum.
Description of my Problem
I happen to get phone calls of scam business proposals from people who allege to know me, when I don’t know them; however, in all cases, I have not agreed to meet any. I have learnt from a number of people who have tried to ring me but their calls failing to get connected and some end up assuming that I changed my number or that my phone is switched off! Yet, I don’t switch off my phones. I have for a number of years sent out project proposals under my Good Governance Organization, unfortunately, the content of my emails mostly the attachments get interfered with or deleted and are either not received or get distorted so that the objective is failed. As I write now, I am not sure of how many short messages I sent out by phone which did not arrive, yet I am unable to save a single phone number to my sim cards as the function has been disabled! I am unable to use an external modem for Internet connection as the connection has equally been disabled as long as I place in my sim card into the modem! I once in a while get people who I don’t know wishing to give me lifts while I am on foot, and I have disappointed them because I am suspicious that they could have ill motive against me. I am an opposition politician in Uganda, and many times a critic of Government policies, which some audience to-date listen to, and now Government seems to have intensified on seeing my communication disabled! In the circumstances, life has become simply frustrating. During the gone Easter period, one of my emails: goodgovernancepractice@gmail.com was deleted and two blogs; that is:
To me, this was terrible loss as I had worked on them for about a year.
What I have done in the circumstances:
I made a communication to the Ministers who are concerned with communication in Uganda – the link: http://www.hecarethforyou.blogspot.com/2013/04/attention-of-minister-of-state-for.html
I have also petitioned the Speaker of Uganda Parliament – the link is: http://www.hecarethforyou.blogspot.com/2013/04/a-petition-to-speaker-of-uganda.html
The blog below gives an idea of some of my works: http://www.hecarethforyou.blogspot.com
My works are divided into 4 major categories. They are:
1) My former school connections:
2) Project proposal ideas:
3) Issues on Good Governance for authorities to consider:
4) General information, say policy for local and international community:
In the circumstances, I appeal to you to help bail me out of Uganda by offering me safe landing which will be ground for some other step to follow.
Thank you.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka
Name: William Kituuka Kiwanuka
Sex: Male
Age: 53 years
Date of birth: 12th October 1959
District of birth: Wakiso
Postal Address: P.O. Box 2678, Kampala, UGANDA
Tel: +256714981628/ +256776981628
E-mail: wkituuka@gmail.com, wkiwanuka@care2.com
Nationality: Ugandan
No. of Children: Four (4)
St Mary's College, Kisubi 1974 - 1977 E.A.C.E
St Mary's College, Kisubi 1978 - 1979 E.A.A.C.E Makerere University 1980/81 - 1982/83 B.A (Hons) Economics/
Rural Economy
I am hard working, well organized and I communicate well. I am an enthusiastic team member and co-operative.
1) Consultancy Work ……………………………………. ….……………2001 to date.
2) Journalist and Publisher ……………………………..………………1992 – 2001.
3) Proprietor Kajjansi College………. February 1988 – December 1991.
4) Uganda Commercial Bank (Stanbic) …..August 1984 – February 1988.
5) Namutamba S.S.S ………………………….……..January 1984 – July 1984
I’ve so far been involved in Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Work in a number of fields, which include but not limited to:
1) I have worked on the organization and operationalisation of Good Governance Practice (GOGOP) which is registered as a Civil Society Organization by Wakiso District. Among proposals written for donor funding include:
I. Good Governance School Clubs (GOGOC) which the Government of Uganda has taken over and is to implement it as Patriotism School Clubs.
II. Induction of Local Government Councils; meant to impart skills to newly elected councilors.
III. Training Entrepreneurs for poverty Alleviation
IV. Demystifying Human Rights
V. Demystifying Computer Skills
VI. Africa Good Governance Training
VII. Kajjansi Communication & Secretarial Centre
VIII. Care Hands Outreach Program for people living with HIV/AIDS and the vulnerable.
2) I responded to Development Marketplace 2008 of the World Bank with a proposal in the name: Enhancing Productivity and Market for Small Farmers in Ssisa Sub-County.”
3) I worked on a periodic Electronic Magazine for the Old Boys of St. Mary’s College Kisubi in the name of: The Morning Star. The idea is my baby and I am Editor.
4) I worked on Electronic Marketing ahead of the Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Uganda in November 2007. I was able to publicize Uganda through the use of Computer Power Point slides and made the following which have greatly been circulated locally and internationally via E-mail:
1. A Pictorial Presentation of CHOGM 2007 Re-discovers Uganda, Part (one and two) which expose the various potentialities of Uganda which can be the basis for development and a potential for exploitation.
2. CHOGM 2007 Re-discovers Uganda Calendar (Electronic).
5) I have used Computer Power Point Programme to market All Saints Primary School at Lweza (Entebbe Highway). I was able to get a number of photo impressions and put them as slides showing various activities at the school. With this, we have been able to send out letters to impress on potential partners in development with the school.
6) I write project proposals for clients. I worked on two of them for the Widow’s Ministry – (Seguku Worship Center – Yesu Akwagala), these are:
I. A restaurant
II. A poultry project
7) I improved on my work on “The History of St. Mary’s College Kisubi” given that there had been aspects left out in what I had at hand by the time of the Centenary Celebrations in 2006.
8) I make professional contributions to debates of the day. Recently, I wrote to UNEB about what I see as the way forward regarding mal-practices in examinations among other issues.
9) I contested in the World Bank Development Marketplace (DM 2007) whose objective was: “To recognize and support innovative approaches for achieving better health outcomes for poor people.” My project title is: “Promotion of use of Moringa oleifera as a Nutritional Supplement,” – a US $ 135,000 project, where I want to use school children as implementers and potential beneficiaries of Moringa oleifera as a Nutritional Supplement.
I was involved in preparations for St. Mary’s College Kisubi Centenary Celebrations from September 2005 up to the celebration time (2006). Roles performed:
Gathered information for the School website: www.smack.sc.ug and worked with the designer to incorporate links. (Though currently off )
Solely worked on the SMACK Centenary Magazine as Editor. I came up with the strategy for it, identified people to interview, went to Archives in Rubaga for information, typed the work and edited it, wrote to prospect advertisers, and handed work to typesetter. This was done from January to May 2006.
I mobilized Old Boys for the SMACK Centenary Celebrations and kept them informed of developments via email.
Worked on information collection for the Old Boy’s website: www.smackoba.or.ug. (Currently off)
Worked on the documentation and eventual registration of SMACKOBA WELFARE COMMUNITY (SMAWELCOM) a company limited by guarantee.
Developed a 174 page CD on the History of St. Mary’s College Kisubi (1906 – 2006)
Project proposal writing and project/business re-structuring for clients
1) Yesu Akwagala Vocational Institute Proposal.
I worked on a proposal of a Vocational Institute for Yesu Akwagala Seguku Worship Centre (6 miles Entebbe Road). This is for youths to acquire skills for job creation.
2) Namulanda Technical Institute.
Namulanda Technical Institute is meant to address the existing problems in technical training in Uganda. I worked on the project proposal document up to implementation. Admission is for S4 & S6 leavers in Motor Vehicle; Plumbing in Tropics; Electric Installation; Carpentry & Joinery and Bricklaying. It is located at Kabulamuliro 12 miles Entebbe Road.
3) Wakiso Secondary Schools’ Head teachers’ Association (Aggrey Zone) HIV/AIDS Initiative.
I have written a Shs 10 million HIV/AIDS proposal for secondary schools in Aggrey Zone in Wakiso District. When developed, it is supposed to help guide schools in their approach to the teaching aspects of HIV/AIDS as part of Extra Curricular Activities in these schools.
4) KAMUTE – US $ 100,000 Proposal.
Kajjansi Multi-purpose Tele Centre (KAMUTE) is a proposal meant to be used by 15 schools in Kajjansi Trading Centre hinterland so that the students/pupils doing their classes (P.7; S.4 & S.6) get 2-hour computer classes per week at the center at a minimal cost of Shs 2,000 per term. The outputs of the project being that by the time the trainees leave school they are computer literate and can use the computer skills to get employment or get information on innovations through the Internet which may help them in developing innovative ideas for own use in job creation. The facility is also meant to bring computer services to the community including the Internet, and also avail badly needed Secretarial Services by the schools in the area.
5) A Documentation of Uganda’s Medicinal Plants and what they treat.
This is a US $ 25,348 project proposal well written but yet to get funded.
Re-structuring of Bweya Children’s Home
I was requested by Mr Christopher Mukasa, the founder of Bweya Children’s Home – at Kajjansi Trading center to help restructure the Home. I was charged with restructuring for a period of three months October – December 2004. I was able to work on the following:
1) Writing a Nutritional Project for Bweya Children’s Home to be able to utilize available land at the Home for growing own food as food is a big problem.
2) Wrote a project proposal in the name of: Designing, Launching and Publishing a website for Bweya Children’s Home. This was targeted at getting the children’s circumstances known and hence an appeal for assistance given the circumstances. This is a US $ 4,216.8 project.
3) A 5-year Strategic Plan for Bweya Children’s Home 2005 – 2009.
4) Drew Financial Management Guidelines for Bweya Children’s Home.
5) Wrote a proposal for staff salaries for Bweya Children’s Home for 2005.
6) Came up with a “Children’s Motivation Project”. This is meant to offer small financial rewards to children as incentives for better performance as is normally the case in a home setting. It is also intended to demystify money so that the children get used to it. It also targets that children should be able to buy a few items to introduce a spirit of savings among the children.
7) I have written “Bweya Children’s Home Community Outreach Project”. This is meant to use Bweya and other resources to reach out to the community in Namirembe Diocese on 4 thematic areas using video interaction.
8) I have designed various vouchers for the day to day use at the Home for accountability.
9) Worked on the Home’s Organisation Chart.
10) Written a proposal for a Clinic to see to better health of the children. This is a US $ 5,113 project.
11) Worked on a one years’ budget for the Children’s Home
12) I have written an article: “The Vulnerability of Children’s Home’s”. The article is meant to address the vulnerable situation of the Children’s Homes by Executives in Government. It is meant to impress on them the problems Children’s Homes encounter hence get to consider funding activities of the Homes for sustainability.
Consultancy Services for Mothers’ Union Namirembe Diocese
1) I was called upon by the then Chairperson of Mothers’ Union Namirembe Diocese (Mrs Margeret Kitanda) to help work on their application for DFIDU CSUP for promotion of the Rights of Women within Namirembe Diocese area of jurisdiction. (Unfortunately, some required documents were not attached at submission hence contributing to its failure).
2) I wrote a project proposal: “Mitigating the Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS of Christian Women in Namirembe Diocese through the teaching of skills via a video media”.
3) I worked on a Brochure for Mothers’ Union Namirembe Diocese.
4) Offered Consultancy Services on a variety of other fields as requested by the then Chairperson of Mothers’ Union Namirembe Diocese.
Part of the Organising Committee Secretariat for American Delegation to Uganda; February 22nd to March 1st 2004.
I was nominated by Moringa Development Association (MODA) to the Secretariat that Organised for the American Delegation to Uganda; February 22nd to March 1st 2004 which saw members of the Africa – USA International Chamber of Commerce come to Uganda for the East Africa – America Economic Partnership Trade Mission.
The theme of the visit was: “Creating a Sustainable Future for East Africa in the 21st Century”.
The delegation was in Uganda on the invitation of the Uganda Government.
My duties among other things involved:
1. Attending meetings for the Organising Committee and writing minutes.
2. Making correspondences to Government Ministries and business establishments/business men.
3. Reaching out to various service providers who were to render services during the visit of the delegation.
4. I was involved in organizing the Local Investors’ Workshop which was meant to empower the business community with skills in negotiating business partnerships.
5. I was involved in the marching of businesses with the members of the visiting American delegation given the interests of the visitors and the areas of operation of the business community.
6. I was party to the organization of a mini – exhibition at International Conference Centre and the Conference which took place on 25th February 2004.
Promotion of Moringa oleifera Enterprise
1) I was for sometime involved in the production of Reading Literature for the promotion of Moringa oleifera enterprise in Uganda, hence editor of a booklet on “Moringa oleifera” - The Miracle Tree (Compiled Notes On Moringa oleifera). This is after realizing that Ugandans are in need of literature on Moringa .o, a multi – purpose tree, nature’s medicine cabinet, with excellent source of nutrition and a natural energy booster among other things. The Book has information on Growing the tree; Moringa as a vegetable crop; Moringa in water treatment; Medicinal uses of Moringa; Moringa and HIV/AIDS. With the book at hand, one can easily manage the Moringa enterprise.
2) I wrote an innovative project proposal for African Development Bank on the occasion of Celebration of the 40th Anniversary: “Growing Moringa oleifera by Households in Uganda for Poverty Alleviation”.
3) I’ve written a Concept paper on: “Prospects of Marketing of Moringa oleifera products in Uganda.” This was for the policy makers to help address the market situation of Moringa oleifera in Uganda – June 2004.
4) A proposal: “Sponsorship of Radio Programmes to educate the public about Moringa oleifera and the role it can play in poverty alleviation. (July 2004).
Guidance Sessions and dealing in Guidance Literature
1) I lecture to students on careers related matters when called upon. On Sunday 11th August 2002 I was at Uganda Martyrs' S.S.S Namugongo for a presentation on Career Guidance to students from S. 3 to S.6 on their Careers day.
2) In June 2003 I was at Trinity College Nabingo with a presentation on their Careers day.
3) In 2004, in the course of 1st term, I was invited to St. Joseph Naggalama by the Headmistress Mrs. Agnes Nsubuga to address a joint session of S4 students, the teachers and parents on the topics:
i. Good discipline and academic excellence are hard earned.
ii. The importance of balancing performance in subjects.
4) I get literature on Career Guidance which I sell to interested schools.
Free Consultancy Services to Uganda Government
i. I wrote a paper: “Do Government Policies in Uganda Abet Poverty?” - This was for the attention of the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development – more so to review the Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) as it had no recognized role of Government Policies in poverty (that is; some policies of Government actually worsen the poverty situation). I am happy to note that after my paper, the Ministry of Finance found it necessary to review PEAP.
ii. Proposal on better management of taxes through filling the loopholes that exist in the system.
iii. Proposal to government to facilitate Ugandans to get employment outside the country.
iv. I proposed the introduction of a Central Registry Auditing centre for government Departments. As far as I am concerned, the innovation of “The Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) by the Ministry of Finance is exactly the idea I put across, now being undertaken in a computerized manner.
v. I proposed improved service delivery at Uganda Registration Services Bureau. I outlined what is being done wrongly and ways to improve.
Chairman of MUPRISPA
(i) I am founder member (2001) of Makerere University Private Students' Parents' Association (MUPRISPA) Ltd in place to cater for the welfare of Private Students at the University.
ii) Input into the Educational Loan Scheme - I have personally written “A Comprehensive Feasible and Sustainable Educational Loan Scheme in Uganda." This was written for the attention of the Ministry of Education to help with ideas as regards a workable Educational Scheme in Uganda Circumstances.
The above paper is complimented by another; "Identifying Clientele for the Educational Loan Scheme and Loan Recovery Measures."
The paper was a response to the Minister of Education and Sports' request to the public to contribute ideas on safeguards and guarantees for the loan scheme.
(1) Career Tips Magazine:
I am proprietor and Editor of Career Tips Magazine concerned with Career Guidance and Counseling. The Magazine aims at bridging the gap in career guidance and counseling in Uganda Schools as well as on advising on policy.
2. Freelance Journalist
(i) Made article contributions to a cross section of Uganda papers, including the Monitor, the New Vision and the defunct the Crusader.
(ii) The papers have also been used in submitting proposals to government. In 1996 I edited the Finance and Trade newspaper.
(iii) I had opportunity to solicit adverts and make article contributions to the Market Place and Finance and Trade papers.
(iv) I have had opportunity to interview a number of personalities for different publications.
(v) I was Editor of the Enterprise Magazine owned by Makerere University Commerce Association and also solicited adverts for it.
3). PROPRIETOR KAJJANSI COLLEGE (Feb. 1988 – Dec. 1991).
With funds from Canada, I started a Secondary School by the name Kajansi College. My strategy of having one class added per year made the venture expensive and unsustainable. I ended up giving the undertaking to the Headmistress of Kajjansi Progressive S.S.S at Lweza on Entebbe Highway to ensure continuity of the students.
1. I joined Uganda Commercial Bank as a Trainee Accountant in July 1984. I was posted to UCB Jinja Main Branch. I had training in the banking hall as well as through courses conducted by the bank. Departments handled included: Waste, Bills, Cash, Head Office, Current Accounts and Credit.
2. In 1987, I was transferred to UCB Kampala Savings Branch as a part of the task force to rectify anomalies in the bank branch books. Accounts were put right after differences in books got established. I was involved in the currency exchange exercise. At the branch my duties involved paying staff salaries and allowances handling petty purchases and holding the strong room key. In 1987, I was confirmed Branch Accountant and put in charge of the commercialization of the branch which saw the introduction of current accounts and a change to UCB Nkrumah from Kampala Savings Branch.
3. Early 1988 I resigned and went to start Kajansi College.
5). NAMUTAMBA S.S.S (JAN 1984 - JULY 1984)
After getting my degree at Makerere University, I was requested by parents of Namutamba (then in Mityana sub-district) to help them start Namutamba Senior Secondary School. I assisted them and was first Headmaster.
I was involved in teaching and making plans for the school’s future. I left to take up an appointment at Uganda Commercial Bank as Trainee Accountant.